Donald Trump Jr's Skittles Tweet Provokes Hilarious Responses

"Can I elect the bowl of Skittles president instead of your dad?"

Continuing his father’s legacy of bigoted fearmongering and borrowing memes from white supremacists, Donald Trump Jr posted a tweet on Monday night likening Syrian refugees to a bowl of Skittles.

The image, emblazoned with Trump’s presidential branding, is a re-working of similar sentiment shared by the alt-right.

And it didn’t take long before the people of Twitter were pointing out how ridiculous and error-ridden the image was.

Some people decided to take a moment to think of the poor people at Skittles who were probably being inundated with requests from journalists.

But in the end, they came out with the perfect reply.

Trump Jr’s Skittles controversy comes just a few days after he was widely panned for a Holocaust joke.

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