Democrats and Republicans alike, parallel to big corporate media across the United States, were nearly 100% certain Hillary Clinton would be the first women elected into White House.
The percentage was somewhere near 98%. Yet Donald Trump proved them flat wrong with a mantra of making America great again. And now, there is a wide economic and social media perspective to review.
Stock markets across the globe were scrambling to cope with the U.S. election results as soon as the polls began closing. Despite an initial gain, Dow Jones nosedived 700 points in response.
The Brent crude, the Mexican peso and the U.S. dollar also experienced serious losses. Another mind boggling development was the rise in gold prices at a whopping rate of over $1,300 for each troy ounce.
Why such a reaction?
The vast unknown, similar to deep space, about Donald Trump is sounding alarm bells across the board. Everyone is left in shock, looking to each other for explanations and unable to comprehend the status quo.
Rumors were also heard of Deutsche Bank showing signs of collapsing. Amidst all the unknown, a known fact mentioned by many is that anything is possible. While the majority of us don't understand, this is completely a normal reaction. Experts are even describing this development as a geopolitical equivalent of 9/11. This time it was 11/9.
Described as a master of communications, Trump is said to have ignited a bomb and yet survived the blast. The casualties, however, include a variety from both sides of the aisle. The entire political spectrum, big corporate media-considered as one of America's hallmarks-and Wall Street itself are amongst those still feeling the tremors. We are talking about a situation where people were completely certain, 90 and even 98%, that Hillary had the entire election bagged.
And yet, surprisingly, Trump showed a series of promising signs in his short victory/acceptance speech. He took the opportunity to discuss the necessity to launch a major overhauling infrastructure program for the entire West. This was an obvious issue, yet the president-elect taking the time to mention this issue is significant indeed.
Any commuter who has used the U.S. infrastructure, and also seen the booming big city Asia infrastructures has come to realize the atrocious nature of America's once booming industry. Such an investment will render jobs, better infrastructure easing the commuting of more dollars, and learning a lesson or two from the Chinese. No wonder why the Chinese are continuing such a promising policy.
Casino capitalism is how the entire American financial system is being described. While it may seem unbelievable, all speculations receive major thumbs up and an immediate green light. Himself a business tycoon, if Trump is able to converge investments in a productive manner, the American economy will be witnessing a major boost.
Will markets experience a comeback?
As explained above, these are normal reactions in the market from such a significant shift. We will actually be witnessing a rise down the road. Of course, the pause until then is considered extremely vital. It seriously relies on what reaction we will witness from Hillary Clinton and the entire Democratic Party as a whole, and will they truly accept such a shocking blow in good faith.
One can actually describe this election result as 40% of the American electorate deciding to revolt. The 'Rust Belt,' referring to southern states such as Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and others, played a major role in sending Trump to the White House.
This is despite the fact that they were previously considered Hillary states. These locals are in desperate need of jobs. Once members of the middle class, they are currently barely making ends meet as the lower middle class.
The Trump campaign went the distance to come in contact with these very people. Trump's "Make American Great Again" mantra spells into jobs inside the country, and this touches base for those who placed him in the White House.
If such a scenario materializes, it is no longer of any importance what the fate of Wall Street will be. We should keep in mind the fact that Trump ran against Wall Street and Goldman Sachs. The same Goldman Sachs with its extremely close links to the Democrats. The same links that continue to be exposed by WikiLeaks.
People no longer want any version of casino capitalism. They seek capitalist investments of the productive type. This is one area we have to admit Trump has the upper hand.
Can the US elections be compared to the Brexit?
It can be described as looking into the mirror. There were many who forecasted Brexit. While the world media focused mainly on the people of London, what they failed to comprehend was that the U.K. is not London alone. The cities of Liverpool, Manchester, Yorkshire and etc. must be taken into account, as the landscape there provides a completely different story.
In the U.S., the expectations in Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia and other similar states are similarly different. This population has been left out from what they see on TV, the highly magnified globalization through the Internet and the new modern technology. All these aspects are parallel offshoots of casino capitalism.
The reaction they showed in these elections can maybe be described as a revolutionary response. Trump tapped into this potential by resorting to his main skill of mass communicating to a huge audience. To a great extent, the race for the White House was won not only through person-to-person communication. This election was finalized through social media. Some are describing it as the Republican version of Obama's successful 2008 campaign.
And the vast American media network was never expecting such a development. Big corporation media have yet to fully realize the power of social media and how to correctly utilize this enormous potential. The new age of journalism is found in social media and we as citizens of this world have to adapt.
Donald Trump saw no reason to spend nearly a billion dollars as his Democrat rivals resorted to. And yet he was able to connect directly to people from all walks of life, even though some chose not to listen. But he was there, speaking about their everyday problems. He especially emphasized the economic woes of many. And the medium was none other than social media.