Donald Trump 'Paris Is In Germany' Tweet Is Misunderstood By Practically Everyone

For The First Time Ever Donald Trump Deserves Defending On The Internet

An alleged terrorist was shot dead in Paris on Thursday and as usual in such matters, Donald Trump had to get involved...

His mention of Germany however, convinced quite a few people that Trump must be the on the same intellectual level as Cletus the Yokel from 'The Simpsons'.

But hang on a sec, let's take a step back. Re-read Trump's tweet and bear in mind the horrific attacks that occurred in Cologne, Germany earlier on New year's Eve.

Make a bit more sense now?

The tweet is still Trump's characteristic brand of fear-mongering and xenophobia but it's not geographically wrong.

191 people have been killed by guns on American soil in the first 7 days of this year. Wind your neck in mate.

— Chris York (@ChrisDYork) January 7, 2016

Some people got it...

Aaaaaand even more just didn't.

The shooting in Paris on Thursday took place in the Barbes area of northern Paris, near Montmartre.

Pictures from the scene showed the man's body lying on the pavement as police used a robot to investigate.

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The man's body is seen lying on the pavement

Luc Poignant, a police union official, said that the man shouted "Allahu Akbar" outside the police station.

He was also apparently wearing an explosive vest, the French interior ministry said, although reports suggest it was likely a fake.

The incident in Cologne took on another dimension this week after the Mayor of Cologne said women should adopt a "code of conduct" to prevent future sexual assaults in the city.

Henriette Reker made a speech on Tuesday after around 1,000 men took over an area in an "organised" mass attack on New Years Eve. About 90 women made complaints to police, many relating to sexual assault and one woman said she was raped.

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