Donald Trump Doesn't Mind That Vladimir Putin Kills Journalists Because 'At Least He's A Leader'

Donald Trump Doesn't Mind Vladimir Putin Killing Journalists

NEW YORK -- Donald Trump doesn’t mind that Vladimir Putin kills journalists because America “does plenty of killing also.”

This is the new standard of logic that permeates to top of the Republican presidential primary race with the business tycoon holding a monstrous lead across national polls.

On Thursday, the Russian president told journalists in Moscow that the GOP frontrunner was “a very lively man, talented without doubt.

On Fox News on Thursday, Trump called Putin’s endorsement a “great honour.

Appearing on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe' on Friday, Host Joe Scarborough asked Trump about the endorsement in light of the fact that Putin “kills journalists, kills political opponents and invades countries.”

“At least he’s a leader,” replied Trump.

“Again, he kills journalists that don’t agree with him,” said Scarborough.

“Our country does plenty of killing also, Joe,” he shot back.

In October, Trump said he would “get along very well” with Putin, lauding the Russian leader for his military intervention in Syria.

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Expect to see Trump and Putin taking selfies and hugging at Wimbledon