Donald Trump 'Wants Heat To Die Down' Before State Visit To UK

Donald Trump 'Wants Heat To Die Down' Before State Visit To UK

Downing Street has refused to deny claims Donald Trump's state visit has been delayed in the hope of avoiding a wave of protests.

The US President was expected to head to Britain in June for a trip where he would be afforded full pomp and ceremony.

But Mr Trump is said to have told Theresa May it would be better to push it back to October following widespread public outcry.

A senior government source told The Sun: "Trump still really wants to come this year, but he wants the heat to die down a bit first.

"The White House watch what happens over here surprisingly closely, and they don't want to create a scene for our sake either."

A petition opposing the state visit has been signed by more than 1.8 million people.

It prompted a debate in Parliament where MPs called on the Government to heed the ''Greek chorus of disapproval'' and avoid ''fawning subservience'' to Mr Trump.

The Prime Minister announced the president was being given the honour of a state visit, during which he will be hosted by the Queen, when she became the first international leader to visit Mr Trump after his inauguration.

Although the dates of the visit have not been formally announced, former Met Police chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said it had been planned for June and warned policing it would cost "quite a bit of money".

Asked if the visit had been delayed, a No 10 spokesman said: "An invitation has been extended and accepted.

"Dates will be announced in due course."