Don't Mind if I Do!

Don't Mind if I Do!

Monday August 27th, 2012

I think I have an art injury....Well, not a permanent injury. I have 'art neck' That's what I'll call it. Or maybe 'Picasso neck?'

I went to the Scottish National Gallery, and then the Scottish Modern (just building one, not both of them). That's a lot of art for one day. If only I hadn't shopped. With the addition of some purchases, plus my heavy umbrella, and a full purse... I was just carrying around too much stuff.

Walking slowly from painting to painting is hard work.

I saw some amazing things though. I won't pretend I'm an expert, but I do like looking at paintings, and sculpture. Sometimes you get inspired by someone else's creativity. And sometimes you just wander, and let your mind wander.

I like Magritte, and the pre-Raphaelite's. The Scottish National Museum building is gorgeous. Elegant, lots of light and high ceilings with skylights that look impossible to clean. Admission to most of the galleries is free. Well done Scotland. Don't mind if I do.

Don't mind if I do is another 'Marcotte-ism'. It's what you say when you get something for free. Or if you maybe feel like you're getting away with something. You can also grin slightly while you're saying it, and that's called a Krenwinkle (don't ask).

I need to catch up with what theatre I've seen since my show finished. I went to 'Cut' which was at theSpace @ Surgeon's Hall. It was about the process of putting a play on it's feet. It had some cute moments, but it was one of those plays where the cast was all the same age, even though the characters as written would have been older and/or younger. So perhaps it was a group of friends putting on a show? Glenn was touring the Surgeon's Hall Museum while I saw that show. Our friend Jon Peterson is really into 'antique' medicine, and was hoping that we could pick up a brochure or something. You're not allowed to take photos, so Glenn will have to describe the ghastly primitive instruments that doctors used in the olden days.

We strolled over to the Doctors Pub afterwards, and I was so excited to see that they had Adnams Broadside as one of their hand pulled ales. I was crushed to find out that they weren't pouring it yet. It had to settle. So I settled too, on a pint of '80 Shilling', and that was actually very nice. Glenn had a pint of Wee Beastie. I made a mental note to come back the next day for a pint of Adnams Broadside. Years ago I was working for Geva Theatre (Rochester, New York) and there's a pub there called the Old Toad, and that was my first experience with Adnams. It's a favorite of mine and when I run across it, I'm ecstatic.

Anyway.... we walked up to Bedlam Theatre and saw 'The Girl With No Heart'. They used puppets, and shadows to tell their story. The show had a beautiful look, but there wasn't much of a story. Afterwards we headed back to the flat, so Glenn could pack (he left Sunday morning). He took a nap after he got packed up, since we were planning to attend the 'wrap party' for the SpaceUK shows. The party was at the Space Cabaret, and it didn't even start until midnight! Which is really late if you've been doing an 11:20 A.M. show for a month. But the Blues Water band was going to play, and they're really good. Plus it was free. Don't mind if I do. We'd seen their show at theSpace at Niddry. So, we thought.... hey, let's be adventurous. It was REALLY hard to wake up Glenn at 11:30 P.M. We were both pretty tired. It's been probably a decade since we went out to a nightclub. We were nearly there when I noticed all the short black dresses, high heels and bling. I was wearing my hiking boots, a turtleneck and no makeup. oops. There was a half hour wait in a queue before we were let inside the club. When the music started it was LOUD, (but good). Luckily, we'd brought ear plugs. Yes, I know.... that's serious geezer territory, but my dad has tinnitus, and you should protect your hearing. We stayed long enough to show we can still stay up that late and then held hands on our way out.