Dreaming of a Life Change?

Dreaming of changing your world, your environment can be hugely positive. Daydreaming or 'seeing' how your life could be better, can be the wake-up call you need to start making changes now.

Dreaming of changing your world, your environment can be hugely positive. Daydreaming or 'seeing' how your life could be better, can be the wake-up call you need to start making changes now. But there's a step before that. Shifting the way you feel about certain events, people or certain 'things' in your life can actually make those things change.

Ever tried thinking about an argument from someone else's point of view and sending them love? It can totally switch the way that the person acts towards you. That's a pretty powerful mind trick, right? Or, instead of worrying about lack of funds, start loving the money you have and see more lovely cash find its way to you. Start really loving yourself and your relationships start to change.

Once you've performed this mind magic and things still haven't shifted; take a look at what you really want out of life.

What's important? Each of us is unique and our values differ. For some, our treasure is affection, appreciation, family, nature, peace; for others, it's creativity, power or material success. What is important to you; what your values are, is fundamentally who you are. Once you have a real grasp of what these are, then you can start to build your life around them. It's the path to being truly fulfilled. The glitch here is that we often live our lives, inconsistently to our values. So - step back. Ask yourself which areas of your life are incongruous to your values. Are you unappreciated in your job or relationship? Does the work you do intrude on your freedom or family life? You need to commit to making the adjustments you need.

Fall in love again. Have you stopped doing the things you love? Dancing, singing, painting? Re-ignite your lust for life and you'll move quickly towards living the dream. Make time to indulge your passions every week and you'll find a long lost peace and joy, which will impact on every area of your life.

Time out! We can sometimes take ourselves too seriously. If we become too involved with the pressures and the politics of work, so involved with other people's problems or so busy, we'll never find the time to strive to reach our goals. Book time in to just do nothing - sit under a tree, walk along the beach, be inspired and refreshed by nature and you'll be much more efficient when it comes to getting down to work.

Keep going. Being clear and sure of what you want will set the wheels in motion. Synchronistic opportunities will come your way because you are aware and conscious of your dreams. But - you need to start moving towards them, to bring them closer to you. Start working on manageable actions, give yourself testing but realistic deadlines and keep going. Small steps towards your goals will, consistently, take you giant leaps forward.

We are all here with different talents, gifts and ways to express ourselves. Bringing this gift out in to the world will make our lives easier and inspire those around us to be who they really are and get what they truly want.

Louise Presley-Turner is a coach, author and motivational speaker. She is organising International Change Your Life Week, 24-30 September 2012. It is free to register and take part and expert coaching will be given by Hay House authors, coaches and experts Dr David Hamilton, Suzy Greaves, Karen Knowler, Laura Leigh Clarke, Gabrielle Bernstein, Joseph Clough and Louise Presley-Turner.

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