Real Life Dumbledore Opens World's First Harry Potter-Style Wizard School (PICTURES)

LOOK: 'Real-Life' Dumbledore Opens World's First Wizard School

MEET Oberon, the real-life Dumbledore from Harry Potter - and headmaster at his very own magic academy, The Grey School of Wizardry.

More than 650 wannabe sorcerers and "magick" students study subjects covering all aspects of enchantment from the Elements to sacred geometry - under the expert tutelage of Oberon Zell-Ravenheart.

The online academy has pupils from more than 24 countries and ages range from 11 to 75, according to the modern day self-titled sorcerer.

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Furthermore apprentices can attend summer camps at Oberon's California home in Marin County learning skills at hands-on classes and workshops in Tarot, wand-making, palmistry or incense blending - to name a few.

Oberon said: "I have dreamed of such a school ever since the X-Men comics featuring Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

"Moreover throughout history, many famous Wizards have established academies in which to pass on their knowledge to students and apprentices.

"I felt there was a lack of training available and so began putting my teachings into a book, Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard. As a follow-up, I decided to create the Grey School."

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He continued: "As Headmaster, I cannot help but identify strongly with Albus in Harry Potter.

"He is so much like me that I have often been referred to as 'the real-life Dumbledore' and I was personally distraught upon reading the account of his death."

Oberon is such a fan that he said he has been to every Harry Potter film first-night dressed in full wizard regalia.

Bearded Oberon, 69, grew up in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri, with conservative Republican parents.

In fact his father was Ronald Reagan's campaign manager.

He described himself as a "changeling child" and also said: "I used to go out in the backyard at night and try to signal the flying saucers to take me home.

"Most kids that read stories imagine themselves as the hero or the princess, but I always wanted to grow up to be the wizard," he said.

He is married to Morning Glory - a priestess who practises shamanism - and it is a polyamorous arrangement as the pair are advocates of Free Love.

But back at the magic school, once a student has reached level seven of their apprenticeship they receive a certificate and become a fully-fledged "Journeyman Wizard".

Oberon believes that the Harry Potter books can have a wider impact that just enjoyment.

He added: "While of course the J.K Rowling stories are pure fantasy, the wisdom teachings conveyed - especially by Dumbledore - are really excellent lessons for all."

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