Durham University Rugby Club Banned After Jimmy Savile Fancy Dress Night Out

Student Rugby Club Banned Over Jimmy Savile Fancy Dress

A student rugby club has been banned from playing for a term after members went on a night out dressed up as disgraced TV star Jimmy Savile and his victims.

Members of St Cuthbert's society men's rugby club at Durham University took part in the bad taste fancy dress night as part of a "current affairs" social. First-year players dressed up as young girls, second years wore Savile outfits and third and fourth years came as police officers or Panorama journalists. Students drank in several college bars, included St Aidan's, Grey and Van Mildert, according to student newspaper, The Durham Tab.

According to reports, one person stripped off, another tried to steal the dartboard from a rival college bar while a fire alarm was set off at another venue.

Members were barred from two college bars, with one ban lasting indefinitely.

A Durham University spokesman said: "The university has been made aware of an incident.

"We take such matters very seriously. The students' college has investigated the incident and disciplinary action is being taken."

Each participant has been fined £50, and organisers of the event, on 25 October, have been ordered to carry out unpaid community work.

The rugby club members appealed to the university against the ban as they felt they had been unfairly treated but the appeal was rejected.

The president of Durham University's athletics union, which is sponsored by Price Waterhouse Coopers, said she would not be making a statement but the union supported the action of the college.