10 Early Signs Of Alzheimer's Disease

1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are now the leading cause of death in England and Wales. 

Of 529,655 deaths registered in England and Wales in 2015, 11.6% were attributable to dementia or Alzheimer’s, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Alzheimer’s - a progressive disease which affects brain function over time, leaving sufferers confused and disorientated - is associated with ageing and is estimated to affect one in 14 people over the age of 65 and one in every six people over the age of 80. 

Here are 10 warning signs of the disease.


1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life 

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Tara Moore via Getty Images

2. Challenges in planning or solving problems

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Maskot via Getty Images

3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks

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Elen11 via Getty Images

4. Confusion with time or place

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Dougal Waters via Getty Images


5. Trouble understanding visual images and spacial relationships

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Sam Edwards via Getty Images

6. New problems with words in speaking or writing

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7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps

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Highwaystarz-Photography via Getty Images


8. Decreased or poor judgment

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Big Cheese Photo via Getty Images


9. Withdrawal from work or social activities

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shironosov via Getty Images


10. Changes in mood and personality 

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sanjagrujic via Getty Images

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