'EastEnders': Jane Beale Named As Lucy Beale's Killer During #EELive Hour-Long Special, Until Flashback Episode Shows It Was Bobby Beale

'EastEnders' Case FINALLY Solved! And Lucy's Murderer Is...

It's been a ten month wait, and in Thursday's night 'EastEnders', viewers finally found out who killed Lucy Beale - his new wife Jane Beale. Or was it?

Only this is 'EastEnders' and nothing is ever simple. While the first of Thursday's shows left us thinking that the killer was Jane, that changed an hour later, when Ian's youngest child Bobby was revealed as the true murder.

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Jane Beale

The first hour-long episode opened with Stacey Slater, Kush and Martin Fowler, and if the scene looked familiar then because it is, as it was a recreation of the soap's first ever scene.

Soon enough though, it was back to the Lucy Beale murder case, as the Beales struggled to come to terms with the fact someone who was living in the house was probably responsible for Lucy's death.

Denise was an early suspect, as the Beales realised she was also living with them when Lucy died, but by the time the hour was over, the truth had been revealed.

As the drama ensued, Ian told Mick that the killer is "someone we all know", before adding that he doesn't have to find the killer, as they're going to find him.

While Dot's drama raged on, the Beales tought about the case and when Peter confronted Denise, Ian was there to interrupt him, stating that his ex is not the killer.

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will Jane tell Ian it was Bobby?

Ian then rang his house, where Cindy hovered over the phone before deciding not to pick up, Ian then left the message: "It's me, I know. I know you killed Lucy. Get everyone out of the house, I'm coming home."

Jane then walked through the door, leaving Ian to say: "Tell me exactly what happened that night."

Fast forward to an hour later and the flashback episode provided one, final shock twist. Read everything that happened here.

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