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Easy Ways To Save Energy You Hadn’t Even Considered

Making saving so simple…

When someone mentions the word ‘saving’ you immediately think of going without to your own detriment. In fact, some simple energy saving tips will benefit you, and our planet, in the long run.

The UK is doing pretty well in energy conservation. According to the Department for Communities and Local Government, currently 11 percent of UK households are rated highly energy-efficient, resulting in an ‘Energy Performance Certificate’ score of A or B - double the figure it was four years ago.

So it is a good time to get involved in nature’s biggest project, starting with these five, simple pearls of wisdom.

Chimneys: if you don’t need it, block it
According to Building Research Establishment (BRE), nearly 11 million homes in the UK have an open chimney – with around 40 cubic metres of air going up it every hour. If, during cooler climes, you occasionally use it then you can cap it. Investing in a Chimney Balloon or a Chimney Sheep will certainly help conserve energy. Research from the University of Liverpool estimated between four and five percent of household heat is lost up a chimney alone.
Be more shower savvy
You could be forgiven for assuming taking a shower uses less water than having a bath, but that is not always the case. Electric showers only heat the water you need – less water, less energy. According to, a showerhead can make all the difference. From energy-efficient heads to faucet aerators, they can potentially reduce water consumption by 30-50 percent.
Check your kitchen appliances
How much energy does your slow cooker burn? The answer lies in the label. The next time you purchase a home appliance look for an energy-rating sticker. Cooking accounts for about four percent of the average electricity and gas bill. And switch them off after use. The Energy Saving Trust say UK households spend £30 per year powering appliances left on standby on average.
Time to insulate your loft
Heat rises, which is why the experts say a quarter of heat is lost through the roof of an uninsulated home. The National Insulation Association claim that insulating your home can help lower your heating bills, prolong the life of your boiler and reduce global warming. It is truly a worthy investment as loft insulation will remain effective for at least 40 years – if laid with a recommended thickness of 270mm.
Turn it down, up your savings
You can now manage the heating in your home via an app. Not only will you be able to understand and measure your energy use, you can do so remotely. According to the Energy Saving Trust, by installing a room thermostat, and using it efficiently, you could save between £75 and £155 a year. Even if you turn down your thermostat by as little as one degree, you can save around £80 per year.