Edinburgh Fringe Comedy: 10 Questions With Tania Edwards

'It Stopped Raining One Wednesday Afternoon In 2008'

In her new show at the Edinburgh Fringe, stand-up Tania Edwards examines how far women should go to get ahead . And to help herself get ahead, she's become the latest comedian to do our Edinburgh Q&A...

Pitch your Edinburgh show in 25 words or less.

It's a twisted comedy of errors about ambition, success and failure. With jokes.

Your best Edinburgh moment?

One Wednesday afternoon in 2008, it stopped raining for a while.

And your worst?

I remember trying to get people into our venue when a man was trying just as hard to pee outside it. For an hour, he stood there struggling with himself like an animated gargoyle. The audience was small that afternoon.

You've got one hour free in Edinburgh - what do you do?

Chat probably. I always seem to be talking.

Which Edinburgh landmark/venue/place would you give a five star review to?

Spank! for late-night comedy.

Give us a secret Edinburgh tip!

The City Café makes the best bacon sandwiches.

Deep-fried haggis or deep-fried Mars bar?

Haggis. There's nothing like blood pudding in batter.

Kilt or trousers?

Trousers, please - I'm English.

Arthur's Seat or Arthur Smith?

Arthur Smith.

Complete this sentence: “In Edinburgh, I will be mainly...


Tania Edwards's new show, Killer Instinct is at 22.50 at Underbelly Bristo Square, 1-26 August. Find out more and book tickets here.