'She Will Be With Us Forever': Emmanuel Macron Addresses British People In Emotional Tribute To The Queen

The French president's words came just two weeks after Liz Truss refused to say whether he was a 'friend or foe'.
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Emmanuel Macron delivers his message to the British people

Emmanuel Macron has paid his own emotional tribute to the Queen - just two weeks after Liz Truss refused to say if he was a “friend or foe”.

The French president said “she will be with us forever” as he recalled the deep affection the late monarch had for his country.

In a video message to the British people, Macron said: “It is with great sadness that the French people learned of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

“Her wisdom and empathy have helped us all to steer a path through the historic ups and downs of the last seven decades. With her passing, we all feel an emptiness.”

Flanked by the UK, French and EU flags, the president added: “We are grateful for her deep affection for France. Elizabeth II mastered our language, loved our culture and touched our hearts. 

“From her coronation on, she knew and spoke with all of our presence - no other country had the pleasure of welcoming her as often as we did. 

“In her, I have known a great head of state, a unique example of her great devotion to her people and a very close ally. With her, France and the United Kingdom shared not just an entente cordiale, but a warm, sincere and loyal partnership.

“To you, she was your Queen. To us, she was The Queen. To us all, she will be with us forever.

“We will remember the values she never ceased to embody and promote - the moral fortitude of democracy and freedom.

“At this sad moment, we send our heartfelt condolences to His Majesty The King, the Royal Family, the British people and all those who loved the Queen and who will miss her so deeply.”

His words are in stark contrast to those of Truss during a Tory leadership hustings in Norwich.

Asked by host Julia Hartley-Brewer whether Macron was a “friend or foe”, she replied: “The jury’s out. But if I become prime minister I would judge him on deeds not words.”


Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin has offered his condolences to King Charles III following the Queen’s death.

The Russian president said the Queen, who died at her home in Balmoral yesterday, “rightfully enjoyed her subjects’ love and respect as well as authority on the world stage”.

His tribute came as he continued to wage his war against Ukraine, an episode that has soured UK-Russian relations.

In a statement issued by the Kremlin, Putin said: “The most important events of the United Kingdom’s recent history are inextricably bound with the name of Her Majesty.

“For many decades Elizabeth II rightfully enjoyed her subjects’ love and respect as well as authority on the world stage,”

He added: “I wish you courage and resilience in the face of this difficult, irreparable loss. May I ask you to pass on sincere condolences and support to members of the royal family and the entire people of Great Britain.”

The Queen visited Russia in 1994 before hosting Putin during a state visit to the UK in 2003.

She also met prominent past Russian leaders, including the last premier of the Soviet Union, the late Mikhail Gorbachev, in 1989.

Putin’s tribute was reflected by positive coverage of the Queen in the Russian media.

Daily newspaper Kommersant said: “With her death a whole epoch has ended — not only for Britain, but for the whole world”, while Izvestia said the Queen “came to symbolise the heartwarming traditions and the stability of the royal household”.