ESPN Announcer James Bates Breaks Stool Just Before Basketball Game (VIDEO)

WATCH: Sports Announcer Falls Off Stool

Here in Britain, we don't much care about basketball, least of all college basketball - but there is one thing we really do care about, and that's people looking like wallies.

So without any further ado, here's ESPN announcer James Bates falling off his stool during a bit of pre-match patter.

In you're curious, the game itself was between the Dayton Flyers (from Dayton, Ohio) and the Xavier Musketeers (from Cincinnati, Ohio), making this a very special state derby - a very special state derby where someone broke the stool they were sitting on.

And though it's easy to point and laugh, we've got to admire the man's slick presenting skills, rolling with the punches and carrying on like it was no bother at all.

We also like Mr. Bates here because his minor blooper has allowed us to legitimately watch one of our favourite YouTube videos again. You know the one - the one where the South African politician breaks his seat during an interview on the news? You mean you haven't watched it? Well, we can fix that...