Three Times The Audience Won The HuffPost #EUDebate

Energetic and engaged.

The Huffington Post UK's live EU debate was arguably won by the energetic and engaged audience.

Dozens of questions were fielded from invited HuffPost UK bloggers, Daily Telegraph subscribers and YouTubers.

Three exchanges between the panel, which included Conservatives Priti Patel and Boris Johnson, Labour's Liz Kendall and the SNP's Alex Salmond, and the audience stood out. Watch our compilation, above.

“Now you’re on stage saying something completely different”

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Banseka Kayembe branded Boris Johnson 'untrustworthy'

Banseka Kayembe, 23, asked how Johnson could be trusted after having previously backed the EU and called the single-market “undeniably a great thing”. 

“Now you’re on stage saying something completely different,” she told the former London mayor at a Daily Telegraph/Huffington Post/YouTube debate on Britain’s membership of the EU

“It's not about your egos, it's about our lives”

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Rhammel Afflick told the panel to stick to talking about issues, not personalities

Campaigner Rhammel Afflick struck the panel with a powerful request for them to stop speaking to each other and relate to the audience instead.

"Can I ask that the panel speak to the audience rather than each other," he said.

Adding: "I think all of these debates are a really good example of politicians talking to each other, it's not about our egos, it's about our lives."

“We’re not going to take your promises seriously”

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A student asked the Leave panellists to make the case for Brexit

Student Mems Ayinla told Leave campaigners Priti Patel and Boris Johnson that young people were in too much debt to consider Brexit.

"I think it’s unfair for you to sit there and not understand and sympathise with what students are actually going through in regards to how much debt," she said.

“We’re not going to take your promises seriously in regards to the better future you keep talking about - it’s hard to do when we have so much debt.”