'Every 14-Year-Old Boy In Britain Has Watched Porn' Says Children's Watchdog

'Every 14-Year-Old Boy In Britain Has Watched Porn' Says Children's Watchdog

Every single 14-year-old boy in Britain has watched pornography. That's the depressing and shocking claim from deputy children's commissioner Sue Berelowitz.

She said that the scale of access to adult pornography among children is now so widespread that it should trigger 'moral panic' among parents, schools and the Government about what should be done.

She said: "We came across one study where they were looking at the whole cohort of year nine pupils within a large local authority in England.

"The findings were that 100 per cent – that is every single year nine boy – 14 year olds – is accessing pornography. And about 50 per cent of the girls. The girls did not want to look at the porn - they were being made to by the boys."

And she added that some boys now felt they had an 'absolute entitlement to have sex with girls, any time, any place, any where, with whomsoever they wished'.

Miss Berelowtiz was so concerned that she commissioned more research to see if boys understand what 'giving consent' to sex actually means.

She said: "We have commissioned research into young people's understanding of consent... It raises very serious questions about whether boys in particular have any understanding of the concept of consent."

Miss Berelowitz added: "No one should be panicking - but why should not there be a moral panic?

"Because what we are uncovering is that the scale of what this is doing to children and young people's sense of what is reasonable.

"If that does not generate some huge moral anxiety amongst us as a responsible population, government and communuity then quite frankly I would be very worried."

The findings emerged on BBC Radio Four's Bringing Up Britain, which is examining parenting and pornography.