Evil Penguin Is Very Evil (VIDEO)

WATCH: Evil Penguin Is Incredibly Evil

Now we all know Batman's adversary, Oswald 'The Penguin' Cobblepot, is a bit of a bad egg. Played by Danny DeVito in 1992's Batman Returns, he does all sorts of rotten things, and pretty much everyone hates him.

But that's a character - a man in a suit with a prosthetic nose and a monocle. Real penguins aren't that bad in real life, right...?

Wrong. Sometimes, they're a little bit devious. Remember the time on Frozen Planet when the penguin kept nicking the rocks for his nest from another penguin's nest? Well, this is worse. Much worse.

Take a look at the video above, and when you're done with that, check out this penguin-filled cute video collection below. Warning: it's utterly adorable.

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