Ex-NOTW Staffer Launches Into C-word Tirade At Rebekah Brooks

Ex-NOTW Staffer's C-word Tirade at Rebekah Brooks

At 6pm on Saturday 9th July 2011, Britain's biggest Sunday newspaper went to print for the last time.

But although the News of the World has printed its final issue, 200 staff members will continue with their lives, and try and rebuild their careers after the paper's closure.

One, speaking to The Huffington Post today explained how they felt during what they called "the worst week of my life."

Working at the paper while it dominated the news agenda was both exciting and heartbreaking, she said.

"I'll probably never be this interesting again. But it's moved on so quickly. On Wednesday when the Milly Dowler story broke it was horrible. Being in the office was horrible. On Thursday we were giving a rallying talk by a senior staff member about how the advertisers were dropping out, but they would come back, how people loved the News of the World and really appreciated what we did. Eight hours later, we were all out of a job."

The source said there was a huge amount of anger at the embattled News International Chief Executive, Rebekah Brooks.

"She's a complete c**t. We've been treated like criminals. Journalists are allowed to take their notes home but most stuff has to stay on the computers. On Thursday afternoon and Friday there were security in the newsroom guarding doors. Facebook, Gmail, Twitter and Hotmail began to go down. In one of the staff meetings a journalist demanded to see the police warrant that meant they could cut off the internet.

"By Friday freelance contractors' access cards had stopped working. They're almost treating it like a crime scene. Everyone's been treated like they have done something wrong."

The journalist added: "I can't sleep. I dream about what we're all going to do, and when I wake up I remember the paper's closing. It does feel like someone's died. Last week I was worried I would lose my job because of a silly error; this week none of us have jobs."

Asked if she believed there would be a Sun on Sunday, she said she did think the concept would work.