Brilliant Clip Of Exhausted Dad Filming Energetic Toddler For Three Months Goes Viral

Sleep Is For The Weak: Exhausted Dad's Face Says It All

You're told that there's no such thing as a weekend once you have kids, but this excellent video of a dad filming his full-of-beans toddler every Saturday morning for three months captures his exhaustion perfectly.

As Rihanna, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga play in the background, his daughter bounces around, colours in her pictures, pogos on the sofa and generally gives it large as he sips on a (much-needed) cup of coffee.

The dad, who uses the Youtube moniker Bottlerocket, posted the spliced-together vines with the caption 'One man's Saturday morning... for 3 months.'

Underneath it, he adds: "She's the best though."

Share it if you feel his pain!