Extinction Rebellion Activists Are Switching Disruptive Tactics For 'Political Negotiation'

The group hopes to negotiate with the Mayor of London and Metropolitan Police to agree specific areas where demonstrators can remain.
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Protesters have descended on Waterloo Bridge in London as they demand urgent action to tackle climate change.
PA Ready News UK

Extinction Rebellion (XR) have announced they are switching disruptive tactics for political negotiation as they enter a second week of campaigning to have the Government declare a climate emergency.

Farhana, the group’s political circle co-ordinator said: “Today marks a transition from week one, which focused on actions that were vision-holding but also caused mass “disruption” across many dimensions (economic, cultural, emotional, social).

“Week two marks a new phase of rebellion focused on “negotiations” where the focus will shift to our actual political demands.”

She added: “We want to show that XR is a cohesive long-term, global force, not some flash in the pan.

“We can do that by showing we are disciplined and cannot only start disruptive actions but also end these when needed. We are not a rabble, we are rebels with a cause!

“Being able to “pause” a rebellion shows that we are organised and a long-term political force to be reckoned with.

“This will give XR leverage as we enter into negotiations with those in power to make headway on our three demands.”

The group hopes to negotiate with the Mayor of London and Metropolitan Police to agree specific areas where demonstrators can remain.

They have proposed that the group be allowed to stay at Old Palace Yard and leave the other sites, including Waterloo Bridge where a garden has been set up.

Members would commit to not disrupting other areas in exchange for Sadiq Khan speeding up the implementation of the Declaration of Climate and Ecological Emergency and considering setting up a London Citizens’ Assembly.

They will also set up a political taskforce to take forward public negotiations with the Government, warning that they are prepared to scale up action depending on how much progress is made.