Facebook Colour Change Email Is A Scam

Facebook Scam Alert: Colour Change Email Is A Fake

It's scam alert time for Facebook users. Again.

An email and Facebook messages from friends prompting users to switch to pink, rather than the standard blue, is a fake according to software security experts Sophos.

If it comes your way, ignore it. There are official changes being made to Facebook, as the video below explains.

Sophos reports that the dodgy message asking if you'd like to swap out pink for red or black, and contains links, pinkfbookprofile.blogspot.com or redfbprofile.info - which are obviously unofficial Facebook sites marked out by their suffixes.

Sophos says that the scam is designed to earn big biccies for the scammers, generated by victims completing a Facebook survey.

By driving more people to the scammers' link where an online survey pops up, the ne'er-do-wells earn more commission.

Facebook users are already developing a healthy cynicism when it comes to shady offers. But if you have clicked on a link purporting to change your profile colour, Sophos advises remove any mention of the colour change from your Facebook page.

To make sure you're no unintentionally spreading the scam, double check that all sent messages are correct, check that the Facebook applications, events and groups are ones you actiuvely subscribed to.

Sophos also has a Facebook page with 150,000 members which pre-warns users of similar attacks.

Have you ever fallen victim to a Facebook scam?