Who Farted? This Robot Will Tell You

Let the naming and shaming begin.

The mystery of who farted will now be solved thanks a robot from China.

The bot has been awarded the Pineapple Prize, which is the nation's prestigious science award.

According to the team from Tianjin University, it will not only detect the perpetrator but also "the source of any odour through the complex dynamics of air". Think serious gas leaks. 

Aside from the very important job of fart detection, the algorithm will also be useful for detecting gas leaks.

According to the paper, once the "odour plume is found, the robot performs an exploratory behaviour," known as a "plume-tracing strategy".

Once it collects more information about the source, this is processed by an algorithm that tries to estimate the location of the leak.

This could obviously lead to some serious naming and shaming. We are human after all, not robots. 






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