Well our British summer now appears to be over, and Autumn is on it's way. It doesn't mean we have to let it get us down though!
Autumn can be an amazing, beautiful time of the year. The leaves of the trees are all starting to turn, we have an abundance of food, and we can start wearing some of our favorite new boots and cozy clothes!
That aside, the news has been a bit gloomy lately, and rather sad too.
So let's cheer ourselves up!
Here are a few little quick tips I've put together to help you feel happier, brighter and shiny again;
Tips To Cheer You Up Quick!
1. Laugh!
Watch a comedy, or go out and have a fabulous night with your friends. Comedy really is one of the best forms of relief, and it can change your mood in an instant. Even thinking about one of the most funniest times of your life, can instantly uplift your mood - so have a think about the last time you did a proper full on belly laugh? remember it? remind your friends or whoever else was there and raise your vibe!
2. Listen To Some Rocking Music
Putting on your favorite music can do absolute wonders when you feel a bit dull. Perhaps think back to one of your favorite nights out - what song was you dancing to? what song reminds you of amazing time? (note: avoid depressing songs which remind you of ex's - they have been and gone, and an ex is an ex for a reason) Happy songs only please :)
3. Gratitude
Create a list of at least 10 things every day (try doing this on your phone and pop a reminder on it too, it keeps your energy high each day). When we focus our energy on what we love, and what we are genuinely grateful for, magic can start to happen!. Try it and see!
4. Do Something Nice For Someone
This can really change everything quickly when feeling sorry for ourselves. There is always someone worse off then us, always. Get out your rut, and go help someone. Tell someone you love them. Perhaps go help an elderly neighbor, or help out at a local animal shelter or charity shelter. Call a friend who you know you could uplift too!. The more you help someone else, the better you feel.
Just by making a choice to actively change your mood, it can work wonders, and before you know it, you will be smiling again and feeling good!
Have a rocking amazing day, and spread some love y'all :)