Felix Baumgartner's Red Bull Space Jump Even Faster Than First Thought (VIDEO)

WATCH: Space Jump 'Even Faster' Than First Thought

Felix Baumgartner's incredible jump from the edge of space was even more amazing than we realised at the time.

Analysis of the Austrian's jump has revealed that he reached a top speed of 843.6 mph - about 10mph faster than originally thought.

The height of the jump was also revised downwards slightly after further analysis, but it was still comfortably the highest ever attempted.

His - and Red Bull's - records should remain intact once submitted to the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) for official verification.

Baumgartner stepped out of his capsule at 127,852.4 feet above New Mexico on 14 October 2012 - with a heartrate of 185 beats per minute.

Shortly after he became the first person to break the sound barrier without help from a vehicle, reaching Mach 1.25.

Millions watched his 10 minute descent to Earth live on the Internet, after his slow ascent into the sky beneath a 55-storey balloon.

Baumgartner spent five minutes in freefall, and had to use his years of training to recover from a terrifying spin which saw him rotating faster than once per second.

His team said that the analysis has provided around 100 million data points with practical scientific applications.

"Together we proved that a human in freefall can break the speed of sound returning from near space, going through a transonic phase and landing safely on the ground," said Jonathan Clark, Red Bull Stratos medical director.

"That was a big part of the program, and monitoring the mission was a meaningful event in aerospace medicine and physiology."

Among the innovations that made the jump possible were a new parachute system, an innovative treatment for ebullism and new ventilator systems.

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