Female Thor Comic Book Outsells Male Predecessor By A Third

Female Thor Smashes It By Outselling Male Predecessor

Sound those feminist klaxons, because sh*t in superhero-land just got real.

New figures suggest that female Thor has outsold the previous male version, which - for the record - is a big deal.

According to data from comic book store distributor Diamond Comic Distributors, each issue of female Thor in the new series 'Thor Vol 4' has sold 30% more copies than the male version 'Thor: God of Thunder' which was released in 2012.

This comes despite the fact that the introduction of female Thor was originally greeted with skepticism by some fans. Bet they're keeping quiet now.

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The figures, which were compiled by Fusion, do not offer an insight into who is actually buying the comics, however it's estimated that roughly 46.67% of comic book fans are women - so we have a good idea.

He added that for Marvel, it made viable sense to be more diverse when it comes to its comic book characters.

“Slowly we have made progress on that front. We believe there’s an audience of women out there who are hungry for this and we want to make sure they get it. This is affirmative action. This is capitalism.”

And equality, Alonso. And equality.

[H/T Jezebel]

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