'First Dates' Diner Dumped Midway Through Date Returns - This Time With Much More Success

Faith in humanity restored.

A ‘First Dates’ diner who was dumped for not being “attractive” enough for his partner returned to the restaurant on Tuesday (20 June), and had a much happier ending second time around.

Regular viewers of the Channel 4 dating show will recall how Greig was ditched midway through a date earlier this month, when potential suitor John told him he just wasn’t attracted to him. 

Last night’s episode saw Greig return to have a second chance at finding love, when he was matched with financial guru Shaun.

And we’re pleased to report that after hitting it off so well during their date, they agreed to see each other again, and even shared their first kiss, delighting viewers in the process:

In an update at the end of the show, it was also revealed the pair are now officially in a relationship and have just booked a holiday to Turkey together. 

We wonder if John is regretting being so mean to Greig on their date now?

‘First Dates’ airs on Tuesdays at 10pm on Channel 4. 

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