Five Ways To Get Thriving This Week!

Set one up and spend the time you'd otherwise clock up on your daily social media safari doing something that, instead, fills you with joy; call your best friend, go for a riverside walk or bake something delicious!

Unsocial media...

How many hours do you burn every single week scrolling down social media timelines, and how does this actually make you feel?

A recent study highlighted how comparing yourself to others on Facebook can trigger or exasperate depression and associated mental health issues.

Envy, unhealthy comparisons, reminders of past relationships and negative comments are all deeply unhelpful, to the point where the American Academy of Pediatrics declared "Facebook depression" to be a real phenomenon. They defined it as: "depression that develops when preteens and teens spend a great deal of time on social media sites, such as Facebook, and then begin to exhibit classic symptoms of depression."

The answer? A host of smartphone apps will allow you to turn off, restrict or ration your social media or app use; Offtime, Moment, Break Free, Flipd and StayOnTask are some of the most popular and cover iOS and Android devices.

Set one up and spend the time you'd otherwise clock up on your daily social media safari doing something that, instead, fills you with joy; call your best friend, go for a riverside walk or bake something delicious!


Think of serious exercise and, for most of us mere mortals, visions of lycra-clad cyborgs operating assorted torture devices in crowed gyms come to mind. It doesn't have to be like this!

Exercise is all relative, so if you've spent the past few years getting very friendly with your sofa, then a brisk walk to the shops and back is great news for your mental health. The Royal College of Psychiatrists, no less, are big on this and state that being active helps alleviate negative mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, as well as aiding concentration and focus.

We're big fans of staying active at Thrive and, as a rough guide, you should aim to do at least four or five blocks of 30-minute-long sessions per week. The great news is that moderate activity - such as a walking fast, but still being able to chat to a friend - is ideal for all-round wellbeing. You don't have to be spending hours in a gym or run a marathon every week to feel great!

Staying fit also adds to your sense of control and wellbeing, vital in maintaining an internal Locus of Control - something all Thrivers have in abundance. Check out Rob Kelly's book for more on this.

Plan something!

Remember how much you enjoyed the cinema, dinner or drinks with friends the other day? Or tea and biscuits with granny or your parents? And that gig with your best mate? Having a bank of recent memories like these adds to our self-esteem and well-being - a lot of which is based on experiences from just the past two weeks.

By keeping that pipeline of life-affirming, positive experiences going, you'll notice a marked difference in your general outlook on life and attitudes. This is because you're constantly adding to your bank of positive thoughts and experiences that lay the foundation for great mental health.

So, think of something fun to do, find someone fun to do it with and make a plan today - it's that simple!

Push yourself

By challenging ourselves - setting and achieving goals - we significantly add to our feelings of self-confidence and this has a direct relationship with our ability to Thrive.

One of the 20th centuries greatest Thrivers, Ranulph Fiennes, has taken this to extremes, running seven marathons on seven continents in, you guessed it, seven days. And he had a heart attack four months before. This is an exceptional example, but can you imagine how many people told Sir Ranulph, in his 60s at the time, that he couldn't do this? And how did he feel when he crossed the finish line for the seventh time in seven days? Incredible, we reckon...a bit tired and sweaty, too, but pretty amazing.

We can all take lessons from this; if you set yourself a goal that involves pushing yourself, even a little bit, then the payback will be the giant pat on the back you give yourself when do you achieve something new or push boundaries.

So, what can you do, assuming you're not a world-class expedition leader or extreme athlete? Think of something you're already competent at - maybe you go on the occasional bike ride or can run a bit... maybe you're ace at cross-stitching or like a spot of fishing? How about aiming for a five, ten or 20km bike ride; enter the local fun run; go catch a new species of fish; make a beautiful cushion cover for your mum's birthday. Write down your goal in a note on your phone and the steps you need to complete the task to help you focus.

Regularly achieving goals like this, no matter how small, is a vital part of Thriving and feeling powerful, all the time adding to your sense of control over your life and emotions.

Make a Positives List!

As we mentioned earlier, your self-esteem and associated emotions are largely based on your own experiences from recent weeks. Not months or years, but days and weeks. Thus, reminding yourself about these positive moments is a vital tool in reinforcing a positive mindset over a long period of time. So, get your phone out right now and open an app you can use to write and save notes... now write a list of ten things that you've done, achieved, experienced or completed in the past two weeks.

This might seem daunting at first - ten things might be appear to be a lot - but when you think about it, there are literally hundreds of experiences you can list. This can be something really small - posting a letter for an elderly relative, helping someone less able cross the road or writing your friend a nice birthday card message - or quite large, such as running/cycling a personal record time or distance at the gym, or a success at work. Once you start to think about the positive things in your life, you'll soon realise there are dozens of things that you do every week you can add to such a list.

Every week, update the list so the most recent highlights are at the top and the oldest at the bottom, with anything over a few weeks old falling off the bottom of the top ten altogether. Get into the habit of checking this every day, morning and evening, and you'll be reinforcing your positive, Thriving mindset with great experiences and achievements, every single day.

Rob Kelly

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