Florian Imgrund's Double Exposure Is Playing With Human Nature

Playing With Human Nature

By playing with human nature, Florian Imgrund’s photographs reignite the controversial digital vs analog debate.

Captured on film, self-developed, and free from any computer manipulation, his beautiful images evoke a feeling comparable to that you get listening to an old vinyl crack or watching an old movie before it gets digitally remastered, repackaged and rereleased as a 3D blockbuster.

Delicate and ethereal yet striking and intense, his creations merge images of humans with their natural landscapes serving to reassert our close relationship with the environment we inhabit.

Fascinated by the ‘unique charm’ of early photography, Igmund got his first analog camera in summer 2010 and has been capturing beautiful images ever since. The artist, who works as an assistant professor in Germany, is passionate about his hobby, pursuing it as he writes his doctoral thesis.

Take a look at the selection below. Do they reignite a nostalgia for analog, or are you still unashamedly a digital fan?