Woman Freaks Out Over Flu Jab

Possibly The Biggest Over-Reaction To A Flu Jab Needle Ever

This woman went to the doctor for a routine flu shot, but the process was made difficult when she freaked out and panicked at the sight of the needle.

Luckily, her daughter was the medical assistant, so she was able to openly laugh at her mother's overreaction.

What exactly is the difference between cold and flu?

Despite sharing symptoms, flu is not the same as the common cold - both are caused by different groups of viruses.

The biggest difference in cold and flu is the severity of symptoms.

With both, your nose may run and you may experience headaches, but with a cold, you should be able to carry on with your usual daily tasks.

When you’ve got the flu, you’ll feel much more tired. Added symptoms include feeling achy all over and having a temperature. Some also experience diarrhoea or sickness.

The good news is that after about a week, symptoms of flu should begin to ease.

So how can you speed up recovery?

Both cold and flu are viral infections, so antibiotics will not help. The best way to manage symptoms is to take paracetamol to keep pain at bay and your temperature down. You'll also need to drink lots of water to keep yourself well hydrated.

The most important thing to do if you’re suffering from cold or flu is to rest up - turn down that invite for a night out and get the sleep you need.