For A Year The Fake Justin Bieber Planned His Prank Down To A Tee

Hundreds of people legit followed him through the mall. Shame man. 😂

Security stepped in to protect and escort "Justin Bieber" who was being chased by hundreds of screaming fans through one of South Africa's biggest malls, Sandton City.

Little did they know that they were actually helping Aidan Atcheson, a 20-year-old Varsity College student, pull off a prank he'd been planning for a full year.

Atcheson told HuffPost SA people have been telling him he looks like Bieber for about two years now so he figured he'd do something with that for his YouTube channel. He was going to do it last year but then he realised it would probably be more Beliebable if he waited for the singer to be in the country.

"The dates just fell perfectly because he was performing on a Sunday. Saturday is so busy at Sandton City so I just thought let me just go for it."

But it wasn't just about timing.

Atcheson went into that mall fully equipped with everything that would make it seem like he's definitely the Biebs himself.

Here's what we learnt from him about how to trick the world into thinking you're a celebrity.

Justin Bieber definitely has a certain type of swag. Atcheson, being a fan himself, clearly knows this and pulled it off perfectly.

He even went so far as to draw on Bieber's tattoos.

Black jeans, a shirt around the hips and a Purpose World Tour hoody, Yeezy kicks and a pair of shades was the chosen outfit of the day. Seriously, he looked like he was modelling Bieber's collection.

But obviously, when celebrities want to go unnoticed, they keep their hoodies pulled up.

Oh, and hide your face.

Atcheson kept his head down the whole time. He didn't even know how many people were following him until he watched the videos.

Celebrities never go anywhere alone so obviously they'll have their bodyguards with them. Atcheson had his friends dressed in black, one with shades on, pretend to be his bodyguards.

Three more friends were the paparazzi following him around, shouting his name with cameras in their hands.

Atcheson had three fake Beliebers run after him to get other people hyped up about him being in the mall. They chased him, screaming, shouting his name and taking images and videos on their phones -- as real fans would.

And from those three people, there was a huge crowd warranting mall security assistance.

And there you are. If you want to use your celeb lookalike good looks to use, this is how you can pull the prank of the year.

Well done, Aidan.

Watch Aidan's full YouTube prank here.