Four-Year-Old Artist Raises Money For Starving Children By Selling His Drawings Online

Four-Year-Old Artist Raises Money For Starving Children By Selling His Drawings Online

A little boy with a very big heart is raising money for the African Children's Fund by selling his drawings online.

Mini-masterpiece maker Calvin Graves has already raised £200 from his artwork, after being moved by television images of 'poor little boys and girls who did not have any food to eat or clean water to drink'.

The petite painter advertised his drawings on the Gumtree website where the company's bosses were so impressed by his idea that they promoted his cause on their homepage.

Calvin's mum Alison told the Metro that her talented son simply wanted to help children less fortunate than himself.

"He knows that top artists make lots of money, so he decided that if he sold his pictures, he could send his money to children who really needed it – he simply wants to help those who have less than he does," she said.

Calvin has also started a Just Giving page, where he posted a poignant message explaining what he was going.

"My name is Calvin and im 4 and a half years old', he wrote, 'A few days ago I was watching cartoons with my Daddy when an advert came on that showed me poor little boys and girls who did not have any food to eat or clean water to drink.

"I asked my Daddy if we could send them some of our food or even pennies from my piggy bank. Then I said, 'Daddy you know how you told me artists get paid for their pictures, well maybe I could be an artist and send the poor kids in Africa all the pennies I make so they can get better.'"

Calvin's proud dad added a message on the site, backing his son's cause.

"Hi, Calvin's Dad here. I can confirm that the above is a true story and that he really wants to help these poor, misfortunate children. If you donate, no matter what the amount, Calvin will send you one of his wonderful drawings - he may even be able to manage your name on it with a bit of help.

"Please help a little boys dream of helping others come true, thank you for looking."