Four-Year-Old Girl Spray Tanned By Mum To 'Boost Her Confidence'

Four-Year-Old Girl Spray Tanned By Mum To 'Boost Her Confidence'


At just four years old, you wouldn't think little Tate Willis needed anything to 'boost her confidence', except perhaps lots of cuddles and attention from her mummy.

But Tate and her 10-year-old sister Darcie are regularly SPRAY TANNED by their beauty therapist mum who insists 'beauty treatments help boost a child's confidence'.

Jools, 37, who is from Hailsham in East Sussex, says that the tans do her children no harm, and that she uses her own formula in the salons she owns with her husband, Alex.

The family - which also includes 14-year-old son, Zac and six-year-old, Chayse - will appear in the Sky Living documentary Pushy And Proud - Pamper Parlour Mums, next Monday at 10pm.

Tate said: 'I like having a spray tan because it makes me look good. I like having the same as Mummy.'

Jools claims she tans her older daughter Darcie because she is a dancer and having a tan 'helps' her under the stage lights. She also admits she gives 14-year-old Zac collagen treatments to help clear up his spots...

What do you think? Would you EVER put fake tan on a four-year-old child?How about collagen for a 14-year-old boy?