Pub Landlord Al Murray Launches His South Thanet FUKP Election Campaign In Fire Engine

Al Murray's Election Battle Bus Certainly Beats Every Other Party's...

Pub landlord Al Murray made his election campaign for South Thanet official today by handing in his nomination papers at Thanet District Council's offices in Margate, Kent.

And he also unveiled his campaign vehicle...

Taking inspiration from Nick Clegg's huge Van Hool coach and Labour's Fiat minivan, Murray went for something a bit left-field - an old fire engine.

The Pub Landlord triumphantly parked the big red truck outside the Council offices with papers in hand (and thankfully not a pint).

Murray goes up against Ukip leader Nigel Farage in the constituency, under the banner of the Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP).

In his official announcement of intention to stand, Murray listed some of his manifesto points for the election, including 1p pints and the nationalisation of pubs.

The Pub Landlord has also issued a further list of policies, including renaming benefits "scrounge credits" and turning the internet off at the weekend.

When asked who would win in a battle of the booze between himself, William Hague or Nigel Farage, the Oxford educated comedian responded: "These men are amateurs."

"The drinking itself wouldn't be a challenge - in fact, I'd say there isn't a table in the land I couldn't drink them under.

"No, it's the company that would be an issue. You'd have Farage pretending he's not a public-school stockbroker and actually some sort of man of the people - and what sort of muppet pretends to be someone they’re not, eh?

"I ask you. And then Hague droning on and on about the time he met Angelina Jolie. No thanks."

The day luckily went a bit better for FUKP than it did for the Lib Dems and Labour. Nick Clegg's battle bus struggled with skinny roads and the Labour minivan needed an AA van to get started.