Is This The Funniest Olympics-Related Ad So Far? (VIDEO)

WATCH: The Funniest Olympics-Related Ad Yet?

If the Olympics has inspired you to sit on the sofa watching sport 24/7 rather than to... you know... go out there and do some exercise for yourself, you may appreciate this new ad from under-pressure US Twinkie manufacturers Hostess, courtesy of Buzzfeed.

(Not familiar with the Twinkie? It's an American "snack cake", so we've just discovered, courtesy of Wikipedia.)

Amid all the big-bucks, energy-fuelled commercials from those ubiquitous Official Sponsors, it's nice to see an advert that speaks to the everyday couch potato. So let's hear it for Hostess, everyone!

Still can't be bothered to get out of your seat? Not a problem! Stay there and watch our hilarious gallery of spoof ads instead...