Gary Lineker Demolishes Tommy Robinson For Claim Child Refugees From Calais Aren't Minors

'What's happening to our country?'

Sporting legend Gary Lineker today tackled the outrage over child refugees entering Britain with a devastating critique of the situation.

Lineker confronted ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson, branding him a “racist idiot” for claiming the 14 kids let into Britain today from Calais were actually adults. 

The former footballing star said it was “hideously racist and utterly heartless” how the vulnerable minors were being treated.

Robinson retorted by claiming some of those pictured being granted entry into the UK were not children and called Lineker a “clown”.

In response, Lineker hit back that the now co-ordinator of far-right group Pediga UK was a “racist idiot”.

He then set about lamenting that some Brits felt “by sheer good fortune of place of birth, superior to others”. 

One outraged social media user waded into accuse Lineker of breaching his responsibility of BBC impartiality to speak out. 

But the anger failed to deter Lineker, who said it was not unduly partial to defend his fellow human beings. 

Lineker was praised by campaign group ‘Care4Calais’ for speaking out.

But he was condemned by Ukip’s Patrick O’Flynn, who called for Lineker to be sacked from his role as presenter on the BBC’s ‘Match of the Day’.

There has been much controversy stoked by the pictures of the refugees granted entry into Britain yesterday. Some newspapers prompted scorn with speculation of the migrants’ “true age”.

A Tory MP was even condemned by dentists for suggesting the children should have their ages verified with a test on their teeth. 

The Home Office ruled out the call, saying x-ray checks were “inaccurate, inappropriate and unethical”.

Judith Husband, Chair of the British Dental Association’s Education, Ethics and Dental Team Working Group responded: “We’re pleased the Home Office has finally ruled out the use of dental x-rays on child asylum seekers.

“It draws a line under 10 years in which ministers have kept flirting with an eye-catching, but ultimately ineffective, policy.

“Dental x-rays were never going to be a silver bullet for verifying age. They aren’t cheap, they aren’t simple, and at the end of day they don’t provide definitive results.”