Gemma Collins’ Hilarious Fishing Trip On ‘Sugar Free Farm’ Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving


Anyone who saw Gemma Collins on ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!’, will know she’s not a girl who likes to be taken out of her comfort zone.

But after braving the Aussie jungle for a whole three days before walking, you’d think a spot of gentle fly fishing would be a breeze.

Except this is the always ridiculous Gemma Collins we’re talking about.

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Gemma's hat wasn't having any of it.

The ‘TOWIE’ star donned her waders and took to the waters in this week’s ‘Sugar Free Farm’, and it’s fair to say things didn’t exactly go to plan.

Let’s just say Gemma’s ‘Sugar Free Farm’ cohorts Joe Pasquale and Stavros Flatley (and us) were bent over double as the disastrous fishing trip went from bad to worse.

Watch the horror unfold in the clip above and then remind yourself of 19 other times the GC was the most ridiculous human being on planet Earth.

Sugar Free Farm is on ITV every Tuesday at 9pm.

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