This is the GeoOrbital Wheel and it's just about one of the coolest Kickstarter projects we've ever seen.
It is essentially a revolutionary electric wheel that when attached to almost any standard bicycle gives it an electric motor along with regenerative braking.
What sets GeoOrbital's invention apart from the competition is the way that it works.
Rather than simply connecting the motor directly to the bike's chain or chassis everything is built inside the wheel itself.

The motor is built as part of a three-spoke design which then physically turns the front wheels.
The advantage of this method is that it's entirely self-enclosed which in turn means that you can actually install the thing in say....60 seconds.
If that isn't a big enough reason to immediately go out and buy one then how about some good old fashioned stats.
Both sizes only take around 4 hours to charge and once installed will give you a range of 20 miles without pedalling.
Start putting some effort in though and that range increases to a mightily impressive 50 miles. Combine that with the top speed of 20 miles per hour and you've got yourself a serious commuting upgrade.
Thankfully for you, everyone else seems to be loving GeoOrbital's design because with 34 days to go the project's $75,000 goal has been absolutely smashed with over $600,000 currently being pledged.