Video Of Giant Snake Opening A Door Goes Viral, Gives Us All Nightmares (VIDEO)

WARNING: What's Behind This Door Is Terrifying

"This particular episode takes place at 1am. We were startled out of bed by a loud THWAP!" explains Jenner, the owner of Julius the snake.

"Making sure there were no zombies, I put her back in the room, and set up the camera," she continues - saying that apparently Julius here was "bored of being in a dark room" and thus "flips on the light and bails".

"This is why we keep doors locked with her around," writes Jenner. "We don't need her harassing the neighbors."

Well, quite.

Since the video went viral, Jenner has also posted a few commonly asked questions. So just to clear things up: yes, Julius taught herself how to open doors; yes, she can open doors with round doorknobs too; and no, she wasn't injured in this video.

And don't worry - Julius isn't always terrifying. Why, here she is playing with a baby! Or is that the other way round?

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