Gimp Man Of Essex Is Raising Money For A Mental Health Charity... In Latex

Don't Be Afraid Of The Gimp Man Of Essex

Should you come across a figure dressed entirely in a black rubber gimp suit as you pop to the bank or out for a sandwich, do not fear.

No, you haven’t stumbled into a recreation of that scene from Pulp Fiction, nor have you inadvertently walked into a Torture Garden party.

Rather, it's likely you have made your acquaintance with the Gimp Man of Essex.

(That’s if you’re in Essex of course, Huffington Post UK knows nothing about gimps in other UK counties.)

This chap is quite simply roaming the region to, in his own words, “cheer people up from the drudgery of everyday life.”

So if you find the corners of your mouth twitching he will have succeeded in his mission – but wait – because there’s more to this than mere exhibitionism.

If you take a picture of him and post it to his Facebook page, he’ll donate £1 to the charity Colchester Mind.

He explains: “I am not scary and will not hurt you. I am just out and about to make people smile and hopefully brighten a few days up. Please take a photo and send it to this page to earn the charity MIND £1. If you see me, please stop for a chat, I don’t bite!”

Gimp Man informs the BBC his wife and children are not aware of his fundraising activities and that most people he meets when in costume are friendly, though some have assumed he is a “paedophile or a pervert”.

The rubber fetishist said that as well as supporting provision for mental health problems, he hoped his appearances would start a debate on stereotypes.

He added: “When I first started going out in my suit, someone suggested I could make a charity thing out of it.

“I could go round and do some good. People call me a legend, but I only donate a few hundred quid and walk around looking like a fool.”

As well as donating money every time a photograph is posted to his page, the Gimp Man of Essex also has a Just Giving page, which at time of press had raised £711.43.

One anonymous donor stumped up £500, calling Gimp Man “an inspiration”.

Other comments include: “You are such a legend! What a brilliant idea to raise much needed awareness and funds, while still looking incredibly sexy at the same time. Well done mate!”

And: “As a fetishist with mental health problems, I salute you for your brave (and almost certainly unique) way of fundraising! Keep up the good work!”

You can donate directly to the Gimp Man of Essex’s Just Giving page here, or if you bump into him, post a picture to his Facebook page here.