How The Glitter Eyebrow Trend Caused Women To Lose Their Hair

The Beauty Trend That Could Make You Lose Your Eyebrows

Remember the glitter brow trend that took over our Instagram feeds leading up to last year's party season? Well, it could be one you'll be glad you missed out on.

A new video by BuzzFeed shows what happens when women tried out the beauty look - and it wasn't pretty.

Why? Because when they tried to remove the glitter brows, they ended up pulling out chunks of their eyebrow hair.

Turns out, BuzzFeed's volunteers applied the glitter using latex-based eyelash glue - which is designed for use on skin but not hair.

The expert brow team at Shavata told HuffPost UK Style they do not recommend trying the trend out at home.

But if you simply must have glitter brows, they suggest using "oil to remove the glitter, which will hopefully not rip off your brows”.

Latex can also be gently removed with soap and warm water. Stay safe, people.

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