Good Books Go On and On

Good Books Go On and On

In 2008, my little independent publishing company Panoma Press first published Simon Zutshi's Property Magic: How to Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money and Experience, a quality self-help book to guide people through a successful climb up the property ladder. But instead of just enjoying a honeymoon period of success before moving on to some other project, Zutshi and his guide to smart property investment have simply gone from strength to strength. In the eight years since its initial publication, it has gone to print for five editions, each bringing with it a new wave of followers. Just last month it was revealed as WH Smith's Business Book of the Month; prior to that, John Wilson at Property Investment Blueprint recommended it as one of the 13 Property Books that Changed the World.

It just goes to show - great books, books of real quality, never die down. When an author pins down a timeless point of interest, and writes in a way that communicates to generations, it is a recipe for success and longevity. It also goes to show that great books don't always achieve success overnight. In its first year of life, Property Magic received a modest response, with approximately 2000 copies sold. Fast forward seven years, and five editions have been published, with unit sales totalling around 65,000 copies. Readers and aspiring investors from all around the world turn to Zutshi and his unique perspective on the property market.

From humble beginnings, Simon Zutshi's success was built on pure initiative. As a debt-ridden graduate, he bought his first house, and meditated on how to alleviate the financial burden.

Hitting on the idea of renting out the spare rooms in his house, he covered the mortgage without having to put his hand in his own pocket, and was soon moving onwards and upwards, building a portfolio from this most basic of brilliant ideas. In the years since, he has become 'one of the UK's most respected property gurus', founded the nationwide Property Investors Network, and gained acclaim as a member of the Professional Speaking Association.

As authors of good books like Simon know, the journey of writing and publishing work is a fascinating one that can present any number of unexpected opportunities. It can take you in directions you never imagined yourself taking. And when a book is really good, that journey may never come to a stop. I feel most privileged to have been involved in Simon's journey to success, and I look forward to accompanying many more authors on many other such voyages.


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