Cupcakes, Crisps And Burgers: How Your Favourite Foods Measure Up On Google Food Comparison

Cupcakes, Crisps And Burgers: How Your Favourite Foods Measure Up On Google Food Comparison

Healthy eating can be a minefield - one food product is high-calorie but low sugar, the next, the complete opposite.

Without running around your supermarket and analysing the labels, (and who really has time to do that?), it can be tricky to decide what to eat.

But now, thanks to Google's new nutrition tool, we can get a lightning-quick response to our food queries.

Type two foods into Google's regular search bar with the word "vs" between them and a new advice tool will show users the nutritional break down of each product side by side.

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The values shown include calories, protein, iron and cholesterol, making it super easy to choose foods based on your own diet.

Google's information comes from US Department of Agriculture's National Nutrient database.

Unfortunately the tool doesn't recognise brands, so if you're stuck between eating a Mars or a Dairy Milk, Google can't help you.

But type treats like 'cupcake vs muffin' into the search engine and you'll soon know the exact nutritional value of each, hopefully making your decision easier.

The tool even measures the different foods based on portion size and how they are prepared. Click on the icon directly under the picture of bacon and you can see the values of the meat when it is baked, cooked, pan-fried, microwaved, raw or unheated.

Take a look at some of your favourite foods measure up...

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