Got A Holiday Tattoo Or Piercing? We've Got Bad News For You

Thousands of people in England may have undiagnosed hepatitis C following trips abroad.
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In today’s edition of ‘oh my god’, new research has found 70,000 people over the age of 18 in England are currently estimated to have undiagnosed hepatitis C.

How has this happened? Well, these thousands of people are thought to have unknowingly acquired hepatitis C abroad, through dental, cosmetic or health procedures or even through tattoos or piercings.

This can happen when equipment for procedures is not sterilised, or appropriate hygiene measures are not followed.

And just to make that even more worrying – the new survey by PreventX shows that 25% of British people have got, or know someone who has got, a spur of the moment tattoo overseas.

Hepatitis C is a blood borne virus meaning it can be passed on through traces of blood, including in unsterile hospital settings or tattoo parlours. It can even be passed on by sharing razors and toothbrushes.

The condition often symptomless for years and in some cases, decades. If left untreated, the virus can lead to life-threatening conditions like liver cancer or liver failure.

With 3 in 4 people (74%) unaware that you can live with hepatitis C for years without showing any symptoms, the need for increased testing is high.

As a result, people are now being urged to take a free test for the blood-borne virus.

How to get a free hepatitis C test in the UK

Health experts are calling for everyone with concerns about their hepatitis C risk to get a test via the NHS’ new at home service.

People over the age of 18 in England can order a free finger-prick at-home testing kit online at

Patients can also access testing through their doctor or sexual health or drug treatment service.

While there is no vaccine for the disease, there are simple treatments available, including tablets.