Grandmas Attempt To Define Modern Day Slang Terms (And It's Rather Hilarious)

Grandmas Try (And Fail) To Define Slang Terms

If we needed further proof that kids these days talk codswallop, then this is it.

A gaggle of grandmas were asked by Elite Daily LABS to define an assortment of slang terms including ratchet, whip and f*ck boy.

And while their responses were mostly incorrect, they certainly made for comedy gold.

One woman believes that a "f*ck boy" is somebody who is "really cute and really fuckable" when in reality, it's actually defined as somebody who acts immaturely and is the opposite of a gentleman..

"Like Justin Bieber, he's a fuck boy," she says.

Meanwhile another woman believes that "shade", which means "to act in a disrespectful manner", is the new word for pimp.

To be honest, we think they did well as even we couldn't define some of these ourselves... I mean, what on earth is turnt?!

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