When we first heard that ‘The Great British Bake Off’ was moving to Channel 4, we tried our best to remain optimistic.
Then… Mel and Sue broke our hearts a little bit, by revealing that they were stepping down from the show at the end of series seven, claiming that they weren’t prepared to host it anywhere other than the BBC.
Over the years, the presenting duo became synonymous with everything that helped ‘Bake Off’ grow into the cultural juggernaut it is today - they were a comfort to the contestants, they provided plenty of silly (but still family-friendly) innuendo and, above all, both seemed just chuffed to be there.
Finding someone to fill those Converse low-tops is going to be no easy task for Channel 4, but if Mel and Sue really aren’t coming back, here are a few of the stars we’d like to see take over...
She was also named the bookies' favourite, more or less as soon as Mel and Sue announced they were stepping down.
On Twitter, hers is the name we keep seeing crop up time and time again, either from people crying out for her to get the job, or pleading with Channel 4 not to give it to her.
In our opinion, it would be a bit too obvious, though, but we'd definitely be in favour of her forming a new double act with runner-up Tamal, with whom she got along like a house on fire in their days on 'GBBO'.
Like Nadiya, he too has managed to bag himself a career in TV, so we wouldn't be surprised if the offer fell at his feet either.
Julian is the undisputed king of innuendo, and his soft-spoken style lends itself perfectly to the 'Bake Off' tent.
He's also become a dab hand at light entertainment since his 'CBB' days, appearing on the panel of 'Your Face Sounds Familiar', as well as fronting 'Nature Nuts' and appearing on 'Give A Dog A Home'.
Hmmm.... maybe not.
Emma must be so stressed out interviewing the stars of 'Celebrity Big Brother' twice a year that we'd be quite happy for her to land a presenting gig that's a bit more... calming.