There’s nothing worse than a noisy neighbour.
That AC/DC fan who won’t stop blasting Highway to Hell at all hours. The couple who keep you up all night with their noisy, smug love-making.
The innocent, joyous child who likes nothing better than to frolic in his back yar-wait, what?!
This superbly grumpy letter has gone viral and it seems that behaviour is exactly what one alpha curmudgeon is complaining about.

The individual seems so perturbed by these demonstrations of happiness that he/ she is threatening to call the police.
Mainly, because the spectacle of a child which is allowed to “run free in your backyard and laugh and giggle and carry on without end” is “very disruptive for my two dogs and my bird who sits next to the window and like[s] to look into your yard.”
The note suggests the child’s parent[s] asks him “to tone it down a bit, or at least limit his outside time to 15-20 mins a day so my dogs can be outside without seeing him running around.”
Because if not: “I WILL CALL THE POLICE!”
The origins and indeed veracity of this note are not known, though HelloU writes it was sent to a parent in Arizona.
And if it is real the poison pen seems to have blown their own anonymity by the admission they own two dogs and a bird ‘who sits next to the window and likes to look into your yard.' [The bird feels like a crucial clue in all of this...]
Kid, keep on running and giggling and laughing and enjoying yourself.
Full text:
Dear “Neighbor”
You just moved into this neighborhood a year ago, and I wanted to give you the time to correct this problem on your own, but you are apparently too inconsiderate to do so. Every day this week, when weather has been nice and windows are open, you proceed to let your small child run free in your backyard and laugh and giggle and carry on without end. This is very disruptive for my two dogs and my bird who sits next to the window and like to look into your yard. Perhaps you could ask him to tone it down a bit, or at least limit his outside time to 15 – 20 mins a day so my dogs can be outside without seeing him running around. If this kind of behavior persists, I WILL CALL THE POLICE!”