GTA 5 Without Textures Looks Even More Beautiful

GTA 5 Without Textures Looks Even More Beautiful

Grand Theft Auto 5 is a beautiful game. It's beautiful on console, on PC, and in 4K.

And it's also beautiful when you take out all the textures and run it in pure, block colours.

That’s just what Shanghai-based digital artist Kim Laughton has done by taking photographs of Los Santos - the game’s stand-in for LA - and modifying the results to focus on depth, rather than texture.

The project, known as los_santos.obj, can be viewed at MonaDigital

The project is part of the Net Art exhibition FlaNetrie, which looks at networks and how they are rendered offline and online.

Take a look at some of the most beautiful images below. You can also read a recent interview with Kim Laughton here.

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