Guess Who's Getting Into The Spooky Spirit This Halloween?

Guess Who's Getting Into The Spooky Spirit This Halloween?

Yep, looking slightly more like she's wandered into an Irish themed bar on St Patrick's Day than an actual witch, it's Kim Kardashian preparing for Halloween.

Photo: Rex Features

Obviously she's not actually preparing for Halloween because she's earned enough in appearance fees to pay for someone to sort that stuff out for her for the rest of time and it would probably interfere with whatever People magazine photoshoot she's got planned.

Photo: Rex Features

But she is sitting reasonably close to a few pumpkins and an ostentatiously positioned can of Pepsi at this X Factor viewing party (no, we have no idea either) and that's as close as you're going to get. Well, until the next pumpkin-based photo opportunity.

So, a quick poll:

Add a pop of pumpkin colour to your wardrobe with these offerings from the MyDaily store:

And for more Halloween fun (in the form of little dogs in adorable costumes) check out the gallery below: