Guild Wars 2 Interview With Game Director Colin Johanson

has been out for around six months now and its popularity has exploded. I recently sat down with Colin Johanson who is the Game Director onand talked about the past and the future of.
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Guild Wars 2 has been out for around six months now and its popularity has exploded. I recently sat down with Colin Johanson who is the Game Director on Guild Wars 2 and talked about the past and the future of Guild Wars 2.

Guild Wars 2 defines the future of online role-playing games with action-oriented combat, customized personal story-lines, epic dynamic events, world-class PvP, and no subscription fees!

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Colin Johanson is the Game Director for the Guild Wars 2 franchise. He has produced content for Guild Wars Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and was the Lead Designer on the Guild Wars: Bonus Mission Pack campaign. A game industry veteran with more than 16 years of experience, Johanson worked for Mythic Entertainment (now EA Mythic), Zipper Interactive, Games Workshop, and Interworld Productions for America Online's game channel prior to joining ArenaNet. Colin prefers not to swing a sword again and again.

So over to Colin:

After the interview we talked some more about weddings in the game, and Colin said that they had recently had their first in-game wedding and it was his hope that more would happen and that one day there might be somewhere in the game where players could go, have their weddings arranged and take place. It could really bring a new meaning to the term Bridezilla!

Have you played Guild Wars 2? Let us know about your experiences by leaving a comment below.